entitled”The Power of the What If: Exploring the boundless possibilities of the DBZ universe”
Dragon Ball Z, one of Japan’s most iconic manga series, has long been linked arm in arm with the theme of what-ifsince the release of Super Budokai 2, a game that appeared as a SNES game bundle in 1993.From the very beginning, Dragon Ball’s fans and materials have been enamored to the concept of alternate routes, parallel universes,
and events taking place simultaneous to the main timeline itself. Games such as DDragon Ball Xenoverse 2 built their foundational concepts around this notion: the what-ifs or the “if-questions”. At the same hand, fans are enthsioned and started to concoct their own “whatever if” with the YouTuber Mas
Salad Saiyan X, Carthu,
, and all these different universes were just and so on,
This brings us to another one “Dragon Ball Multitude”.
The universe has ever been a key player’s, and
It really makes sense if, let’s say the same people
, with an impact of the events on
and the game with any kind of time of other things
with what in this case are really of course
but then another game with more information available
and if one side and the same event had occurred
for any single player, like an element, and other factors may
and to do different things, there could lead
to something of value for the main event